The Power of ‘Strange coincidences’

How many times have you had encounters that you have referred to as ‘strange coincidences’? Have you ever asked yourself why we sometimes label some coincidences in our lives, ‘strange coincidences?’ Has it occurred to you that by referring to them as ‘strange coincidences’ we could be preventing ourselves from making too much of these […]

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Who’s responsible for the ingredients in your pot?

Isn’t it amazing how so often we rely on other people for our own happiness, self-belief, self-esteem, joy, and good vibe; and unfortunately at times, even self-love? What ingredients are to be found in your pot of the value, meaning and role of others in your life? Whom have you allowed to place the ingredients […]

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Empowering you to become your own Coach

One of the most valuable life’s gifts is to have access to a Coach 24/7. A Coach that: Points you in the right direction; Guides you towards your goals; Helps you define or redefine your standpoint; Picks you up when you are down; Loves you unconditionally; Does not judge you. Not a Coach that: “Tells […]

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From “Everything is gone!” to “Thank you loss!”

FROM “EVERYTHING IS GONE” to “THANK YOU LOSS!” The trauma of loss could be quite devastating; especially when the loss came most unexpectedly. Loss could at times be life-threatening at two levels: When the loss involves the very things that our livelihood depend on; e.g. loss of a business or loss of a job. When […]

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ILS Master Coach

Shoni Khangala is a Certified ILS Master Coach. He achieved his Master Coach certification with flying colours! As at mid-January 2015 Shoni Khangala was one of only 60 ILS Master Coaches countrywide, and only 16 in the Western Cape (See ILS Coach Directory). ILS Master Coach is ILS’s top qualification and was awarded ACTP accreditation by […]

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